Having discovered the wonderful fruit that is the cantaloupe for the very first time a few months ago, I have been wondering whether this delicious melon-type example is too good to be true. I have checked out it's nutritional benefits, the number of calories in cantaloupe, whether it has any common side effects or irritations, and I am unable to find a chink in it's armor. One of the things that looked up first was whether cantaloupe is fattening.
It is common knowledge that fruits and vegetables are the the best examples of nutritious foods that we are ever likely to come across, and with the cantaloupe fitting into this bracket, there is a whole list of nutritional benefits that promote it's goodness. But how about the fat content, is the cantaloupe fattening at all?
Well the answer is no, plain and simple.
In a 3.5 ounce serving of cantaloupe there is less than 0.2 grams of fat, which is literally nothing. There are also just 35 calories in the same size serving, again a very minimal amount. Just like other types of melon, the cantaloupe has a high water content, and as we all know water is calorie and fat free.
What's more is that cantaloupe is crammed full of nutrients, just like other natural foods, so the only effects that the fruit is going to have on your body, your diet, and your weight, are positive ones.
In that same 3.5 ounce serving you can get almost half of the vitamin C that you need in a whole day and just under a quarter of the vitamin A that your body requires a day too.
I would recommend to anybody that is looking to make their diet a little more interesting by trying new foods, to give the cantaloupe a go. It tastes absolutely fantastic, can help towards topping up the levels of pretty much every vitamin and mineral that your body makes use of, it is not fattening, low in calories, helps to hydrate you due to it's high water content and provides energy due to it's potassium and sugar content.
If you don't know what to look for when it comes to the cantaloupe then check out the picture below, which shows a picture of what is rather a unique looking fruit. You are unlikely to get this mixed up with anything else, especially the regular watermelon.
So hopefully this post has been able to encourage you to try a new fruit today, especially with the summer months drawing on and fruits such as the cantaloupe being as prominent as ever in shops and at food markets. I also hope that you are no longer unsure as to whether or not cantaloupe is fattening.
For more information on cantaloupe calories, and exact figures of the nutrients it contains, please check out the cantaloupe page on my calorie site, via the link below.
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